====== Mifos X release 24.12 ====== The official Mifos X version 24.12 release mail was sent 2024-12-30 21:49:26, and can be downloaded from sourceforge.net at [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/mifos/files/Mifos%20X/mifosplatform-24.12.24.RELEASE.zip/download|this URL]] ===== Installation instructions for Ubuntu 24.04 ===== If you don't have docker, install it first and ensure your user has the privilege to manage docker containers. Click [[docker-setup|Docker installation and configuration on Debian/Ubuntu]] for instructions. Download and extract MifosX from the above link: ''wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/mifos/files/Mifos%20X/mifosplatform-24.12.24.RELEASE.zip && unzip mifosplatform-24.12.24.RELEASE.zip'' Switch to relevant Docker folder for your DB (PostgreSQL/MySQL) ''cd mifosplatform-24.12.24.RELEASE/docker'' There is an error in the docker-compose file configuration with incorrect tag of fineract container image. Run this command to fix it: ''sed -i 's/10.0.1/1.10.1/' mifosx-*/docker-compose.yml'' For MariaDB / MySQL, ''cd mifosx-mariadb'' For PostgreSQL ''cd mifosx-postgresql'' Start containers: ''docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f''