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Mifos X release 24.12

The official Mifos X version 24.12 release mail was sent 2024-12-30 21:49:26, and can be downloaded from at this URL

Installation instructions for Ubuntu 24.04

If you don't have docker, install it first and ensure your user has the privilege to manage docker containers. Click Docker installation and configuration on Debian/Ubuntu for instructions.

Download and extract MifosX from the above link:

wget && unzip

Switch to relevant Docker folder for your DB (PostgreSQL/MySQL)

cd mifosplatform-24.12.24.RELEASE/docker

There is an error in the docker-compose file configuration with incorrect tag of fineract container image. Run this command to fix it:

sed -i 's/10.0.1/1.10.1/' docker/mifosx-*/docker-compose.yml

For MariaDB / MySQL,

cd mifosx-mariadb

For PostgreSQL

cd mifosx-postgresql

Start containers:

docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d && docker compose logs -f

release-24.12.1735646410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/31 12:00 by